Children’s Dentist Bethlehem

Giving Growing Smiles the Care They Need

Children’s teeth, gums, jaws, and bite are constantly changing. As a result, their smiles require close monitoring to ensure everything is developing correctly. Instead of traveling elsewhere for this type of dental care, our team is pleased to provide children’s dentistry services in our Bethlehem dental office. From regular checkups and cleanings to dental sealants, lip and tongue tie treatment, and more, we invite you to call us and schedule your child’s upcoming appointment.

Why Choose Penn Dental Arts for Children’s Dentistry?

  • Dentists Capable of Treating Entire Family
  • Caring & Friendly Dental Team with Compassionate Approach
  • We Welcome Your Dental Insurance

Dental Sealants

Childrens dentist in Bethlehem placing sealants on a childs teeth

A child’s molars and premolars can be some of the hardest to reach when brushing. Since these teeth consist of pits that contain small crevices, bacteria, and food particles, they easily become trapped. To avoid this problem and minimize the risk of decay and cavities, we can apply a material known as a dental sealant. When placed over the chewing surfaces of these teeth, it creates a strong barrier of protection that can last up to a decade.

Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment

Close up of a child opening their mouth wide

A lip or tongue tie occurs when the bands of tissue located behind the lips or underneath the tongue are so short or thick that they keep children from being able to perform daily tasks (i.e., eating, nursing, breathing, speaking, etc.). With a frenectomy, our dentist can quickly release the thick band(s) to create a wider range of oral movement, leading to better functionality and improved health.

Pulp Treatment

Illustration of dental instruments accessing the innermost layer of a tooth

Serious tooth pain that does not dissipate after a day or so usually means a more serious problem is at hand. When this happens, our team will meet with you and your child to examine the affected tooth and determine if pulp treatment is required. If we find that an infection exists within the inner layer of a tooth, we will recommend the removal of the pulp and placement of a dental crown so that your child can avoid tooth extraction.